Renault Clio Sport Tourer 0.9 TCE Limited - Stand LSC ... (Dora Boone)
It's seems an age ago, not just for me, but for Renault too. I laughed but he than came back with 'Well Renault stands for Ridiculous Electrical Nonsense Always Undermines Logical Technology'. How did it do so far?
Possible TCE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category.
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See more of this car here. I laughed but he than came back with 'Well Renault stands for Ridiculous Electrical Nonsense Always Undermines Logical Technology'. Optiques, calandre et bouclier sont remodelés tandis qu'une entrée d'air latérale optimise la respiration des blocs trois cylindres.
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