Renault Megane 2 / Scenic 2 - Removing the door card to ... (Ian Sanders)
I had used the car a few hours before and it has never done this in the three years I have had the car. The horn has stopped working and when I press the horn, I hear a clicking sound from the fuse box in the glove compartment. Hi, I have a Renault Megane which starts by using a key card.
Catégorie de la panne : Ventilation.
Today I tried to start it it but a message flashed up on the dashboard which said "card not detected".
Damage of the torque reduction circuit. The integrated key is used to lock or unlock the front left-hand door if the RENAULT card does not work: - when the RENAULT Adjusting the ventilation speed. Fault Codes list for Renault Megane.
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