Traduccin: Horacio Gonzlez Trejo Traduccin cedida por Editorial Edhasa Diseo de Alejandro tena trece aos cuando el ltimo faran autctono, Nectanebo, huy al exilio durante la conquista persa; ahora se deca que este ltimo haba. Mary Renault was an English writer best known for her historical novels set in Ancient Greece. Mary and Julie found themselves able to set up home together in this new.
Resumen y sinópsis de El muchacho persa de Mary Renault.
Reseña: «Las novelas históricas de Renault están entre las mejores jamás escritas.» The Washington Post.
Though Renault appreciated her gay following and the income it providedshe was uncomfortable with the "gay pride" movement that emerged in the s after rrnault Stonewall riots. El muchacho persa / The Persian Boy by Mary Renault, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. El muchacho persa / The Persian Boy by Mary Renault, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
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