2006 Renault Scenic II 1.9 dCi Automatic related ... (Thomas Mendez)
We put it into garage xause it was due for all its belts to be changed anyway so it went in for that and the garage said the problem was egr valve. Renault m'as dit cents le capteur. Renault vient de m'appeler pour me dire que c'est de la limaille qui fout le b*****.
So i took it to a friend and wanted to change & check that lamp.
Renault vient de m'appeler pour me dire que c'est de la limaille qui fout le b*****.
Renault m'as dit cents le capteur. We put it into garage xause it was due for all its belts to be changed anyway so it went in for that and the garage said the problem was egr valve. Une fois la durite changée, plus aucun souci.
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