Renault Clio 3,1.2 Tce Dynamique, 2009 god. (Dorothy Christensen)
Meer dan één miljoen unieke bezoekers per maand. Van particulieren of met garantie van een autobedrijf. The Renault Clio is a supermini car (B-segment), produced by French automobile manufacturer Renault.
Aradığınız Renault Clio ikinci el araba ilanlarını'da inceleyin ve istediğiniz Renault Clio otomobili hemen bulun.
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Van particulieren of met garantie van een autobedrijf. Although several rival manufacturers have launched all-new models in recent months, the improvements to the Clio keep it in contention as the best in class. FEATURES: front electric windows, remote central locking, cloth interior, all.
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